While the Warner campaign has been quiet when it comes to what Mark Warner actually supports, they have taken a strong stand against something at least: Mark Warner firmly opposes any questions about issues or criticism, even from members of his own party.

Last night, the Warner campaign had several comments posted from Democrats. One was asking his stance on gay issues (and why a previous comment had been deleted) and another was critical of his campaign tactics. This morning, the comments are not only mysteriously gone, but the option to even comment is missing. Luckily, through the miracle of browser caches, Red Senate has been able to preserve these comments for posterity:

On December 12th, 2007 at 05:38 PM, Lenny wrote:
How come you took my comment thanking the Governor for standing with the GLBT community? Does he not support the GLBT community?

On December 12th, 2007 at 06:55 PM, John P. wrote:
It sure is a shame that Phil Forgit lost. The media says that with the low turnout it all boiled down to GOTV operations. Too b
ad we didn't have some extremely popular former Governor, perhaps even a Senate candidate, who could have thrown his weight around and helped turn another VA House district blue. Oh wait, we did have one. He just felt like sending out a couple of token e-mails and tooting his own horn. Gov. Warner, you need to realize that the world does not revolve around you. The special election last night reminded me of your announcement timing. We could have taken both chambers of the state house with a little more money but instead you felt like jumping the gun and announcing before the 2007 elections were over and funneled valuable resources to your needless "pre-emptive" announcement. Please remember that your are not the only Democrat in VA.