James Atticus Bowden on Jim Gilmore's candidacy:

Gilmore will win, because he is with 55 to 60% of Virginians on every issue.

Gilmore will win, because the prospect of HRH Hillary I will galvanize at least 55% of Virginia, regardless of who is at the top of the Republican ballot. The movement to stop HER will be even bigger if Fred Thompson is the Presidential candidate.

Gilmore has to speak, write and act out the truth of what happened in his Governorship and afterwards - to rewrite the narrative, the huge lies, that provided fig leaves to the Transportation Tax Scam of '02 and the largest Tax increase in Virginia history in '04.

It would help if the words of his stump speech sang more than they marched. Presently, they are the good solid facts one would expect of a Commonwealth's Attorney. Not quite the soaring rhetoric that arouses the peasants and good people to stop HRH Hillary I and her Connecticut Yankee court lackey, Mark "I won't raise your taxes" Warner.

Perhaps a new cadence will come to Jim Gilmore's lips if he draws the clash of ideas, concepts, principles and worldviews in clear, striking tones - ringing in the ears of all who can hear.